Friday, February 21, 2020

MARCH. 2020. (cow portraits)

New calves coming...

It was pitch-black night as she squirmed out of bed so not to awake another creature.  She donned her long-underwear, left out from the night before and pulled her overalls on with a shudder.  The stars twinkled and glittered all around and through the Milky Way path in the sky.  Checking cows was a quiet chore, especially at night, or early AM, a chance to be alone with God and the Universe.  Loving the smell of horses and animals, she spent more time in the saddle this time of year, than any other.  She rode out amongst the herd and then beyond to a cow far away from the others.  the water-bag hanging out was a  beacon of light amongst the willow bush background.  Quietly, she watched the cow lay down, stretch, grunt and heave, then stand with her calf hanging halfway out.  It' head was bobbing but she could see its nostrils wet moist, and moving ever so slightly, so she knew it could breathe and the birthing sac had broken away.  Another big push and the calf wobbled onto the ground.  The mom whirled around and vigorously started licking the calf.  Another one of God's little miracles, all before sunrise .

I've  painted in watercolor some mother cows.  Any of these prints can be purchased on canvas for 44 dollars.  Please Email me for prints at
Thank you Love and light to you  

The birds are back...Spring is here...
Are not two sparrows sold for a rent And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your father.  Matthew 10:29

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies, Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Luke 12:6

Also, a good time to make willow wreaths as the willows are so pliable.

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