Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Snowed-In - January 2018

Art work by Bailey
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Time for snow❄

A Healthy, Happy New Year to all Blue moon on the 30th🌚 


Tuesday, November 28, 2017


2017 Ends with Everlasting Loves
"This is Christmas Snow!"
Teri and elk shed
I'm on Holiday
       This little buck made it through hunting season.  The wind is back and blowing in the spirit of December.  Thanksgiving brought Skiing and riding with friends, which makes us very grateful for all the good times.

Merry Christmas to all Especially equines

sunset at home

skiing at Big sky

Art by Bailey

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Thanks + Giving = THANKSGIVING

This is a most thoughtful and reflective month.  It's timing right before the end of the year, it's holiday, and its season all lend themselves to reflection and thoughtfulness.  I hope you have a very thankful, memorable November this year.  This year has been a very beautiful year in Montana.  The mountains are really showing-off this autumn.  

It is definitely God's country.  We are thankful for the beautiful country, our animals and God's love & blessings.  Take care and, with, hope, faith and kindness, BELIEVE for the Best.

 like a Moose.

Art portraits for sale by Bailey

Thursday, October 12, 2017

October is Orange and original every year

October in the Mountains
pumpkin oranges frost in the foothills

            Tigers are orange and black, so are kittens, they are either orange tabby or jet black.  Herford cows are orange and white.  Pumpkins are orange, white, or green, now.  Leaves are also.  But frost, this is not usually considered orange, so look closely at this view and then keep your eyes open this autumn, you'll be amazed at God's creations.  May you always be blessed and favored.

Kitty's horses

Happy Hallows Eve, even the bum calves are getting in on the frolicking.
Fairy Calf

Witchy Moo

Monday, August 28, 2017

September Sights

September Sightseeing

Deer and Turkey Crossing paths
My night camera took these wild creatures

The beauty of Autumn is silently gracing the countryside.  Shorter days gives new lighting to the trails we walk or trot through with awesome sights to explore.  28 Turkeys have come to eat seeds and apples.  Deer, with velvet antlers, try to travel at dusk; and I was lucky enough to capture this moment.  Thank you God.
My friend, Robin used alter flowers with candy corn for a lovely fall arrangement

4th Labor Day
5th Kes Birthday & Billy D
6th full corn moon
8th Kris and Nik B-day
Schools begin
Archery hunting begins
Summer wrap-ups
Thanks Kitty

Starlings flocking; a sure sign of fall

Gracie by Bailey

Sunday, July 30, 2017

August 2017

eclipse glasses stuck in as well
Hot Hot Dog days of Summer

August  lots of visitors, ranch camp 1010
August 16,   Saint Roche day, the Saint of dogs,
 also remember Saint Eligius, the saint of horses and cattle.
August 21,   Solar eclipse day
August, Loading hay

Dash 2017
Loading hay the carnival way

     Grass Years Come From Major Snow Winters and Mega Rain Springs- we had both! 

Lots and lots of family and friends visit during the 100 days of summer ; it's just all about the growin 

CP ranch camp

solar eclipse by phone

    Sweet Peas by Bailey

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

JULY - 2017

   Every time I say Happy Birthday, in my head, I can hear,
 Frosty the snowman, saying it.  We are half way through 2017 and all decorated for the fourth of July.  It feels a little like Christmas as we are baking iced sugar cookies in the shapes of cowboy boots and stars.  My movie of the month is the Longest Ride.  First cutting of hay is baled and stacked, how good does that feel?  The cows are in their summer pastures and bulls are being rounded up, hope they did their job well.  Book of the month, is Rocket Boys, a true memoir of Homer Hickman, growing-up during the 40's with dreams of NASA.
Watercolor by Bailey

Happy 4th to you and yours

Monday, June 19, 2017

June, the greenest month of year


June 18. Father's Day
June 20  Summer Solstice

Spring brings snow melt and lots of rain (at least this year), so summer grass is tall and green.  New fawns and baby antelope are springing up amongst the grassy hillsides.

A new little library has graced the neighborhood, thanks to Bassett's hard work this past winter.

Fathers are so important.  (Not to leave moms out; Moms do a lot of the day to day work and give us traits of kindness, hope and discipline which we all need every day. ) Yet just by being present Fathers can give a child confidence, integrity, pride and self-worth.  That is amazing.  I was fortunate to have a wonderful, earthly father so I feel blessed.  
So here's a prayer for all Fathers; God bless you.
Thank you "Our father..."

Book I just read:  This Life I live  by Rory Feel

Monday, May 15, 2017

May Flowers, the sunny side of life

The Sunny Side of Life

Calendar Dates to remember:
                              May 5      Kentucky Derby Day
                              May 14    Mother's Day
                              May 25    Special Election Day 
                              May 29    Memorial Day

Mom's usually or most times bring us the sunnier side to life, so here's to all the moms in the world, (even the ones that have helped people out like a mom), Happy Mother's Day, May 14th.

The first Saturday in May is Kentucky Derby day, so be sure to wear your finest hat.

My brother's horse, Ellie
And out on the ranch, the grass is greener than ever, mowing lawns, irrigating hayfields, planting, and ditch-high, mud boots are always needed.  Enjoy the longer days and the warm sunshine.

new little library

book of the month for all kids

New little library
Memorial Day, the unofficial start to the "100 days of summer"