Friday, December 27, 2019

2020. Happy New year, and decade

Joyful January
Neat New year
Delightful new decade
Here is to 2020!!
What country celebrates Christmas on January 7

Russia                                                                                                    Merry Three Kings Day or Epiphany
The three kings are making their trek from afar
Father Time welcomes the new year
Time to ring in the new year

Love this space; a dream for cabin

Thank you cards are painted
set of 4 is $12

and favorite dogs
Pet portrait cards set of 6 $28
email -
or check Etsy

Friday, November 1, 2019


Amazing Winter

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from God the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.        James 1:17

                                                                     A green Santa Claws...

"Rolling in the Snow"
Christmas Cards have been sent....

Monday, October 28, 2019

November 2019


A Time for Thankfulness

     Health and hearth are creature comforts, Thank God for these provisions, as well as friends and family.  
     This year the weather has been especially challenging any where you live, here's a window of two days and what it has been like in Montana all year.  Hope for 2020!!

October 26 and 27, 2019. Beautifully green all year but filled with chilly temps.

Mixing summer with winter, Art by Bailey
A poem for the season...
Brown Grass

A Thankful time,
golden,crackiling fine lines,
amongst the fields & pastures.
Each morning,
misted with dew or frost crystals,
from row to row not likely seen,
giving light & reflection,
within your heart and mind.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer...with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  Phillipians4:6

Friday, September 6, 2019

September Scenes

 September Scenes

new barn cat appeared
School has started up again and the grasses are turning tan while the trees are turning shades of gold.  The days are getting shorter, so the animals are growing more fur.  The stars and the Milky Way are brighter.  The apples and grains are soon to be harvested, so here's to a happy harvest for you.

Thanks to mom's wheat plates and Lisa's placemats
cards by Bailey

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

2019 august

A  green August .... in Montana

August 16: remember Saint Roch, The Patron Saint of Dogs, (the story tells how a hunting dog cared for him every day in the woods while he was sick)



            God gives gifts even when we don't expect them.   I was reflecting upon the dogs I have had over the years and decided God knew just what I needed every time.  When I was at MSU college, I got a dog from a good friend an Alaskan malamute, who I named Teton,  she was the most beautiful dog I have ever had and beauty was what I wanted or needed at that time.  Then I bought a Montana Border collie when I was a new teacher trying hard to become a great teacher.  Tana B. was the smartest Border collie, and I needed intelligence at that time.  Then we acquired Dash, the sweetest dog, a blue healer at that, and I needed that when my husband went to Heaven as well as Shep, a McNab, who happens to be the toughest or have strongest will, which is what I need now.  So Thank the Lord for all your gifts even if we are not sure  what they're giving us at the time.  
thanks for dogs,  Saint Roch , and all our beloved animals.
Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift !   2 Corinthians9:15


(pet portraits) Dog cards by Bailey

my sisters, Golden
a friend

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Summer begins in June

Summer Sunshine

The hundred days of summer has begun...we call the hundred days of summer, the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  So the long days of sunlight are the most productive and the busiest.  All my visitors are choosing to visit in June.  Lots of summers will begin in Montana, what a treat.
Love the GREENS !!

The hundred days of summer are here and we're making hay while the sun shines.
Love and Light to all!!

under appreciated dandelions

Don't forget Father's Day June 16. Wake each morning with a Thankful heart and Glory to our Father in Heaven.  May he give you grace, strength, and peace every day.

Summer solstice and the Strawberry moon arrives June 17 thru 21. Love and light to all.

Add caption

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

MAY 2019

....May flowers

Flowering the cross in Montana "He has Risen"
Absaroke mountains
Spring has sprung and we are going to see the green grass grow, (weeds of course will come first but with it all green you don't have to notice them yet).  Wild flowers are sprouting their little shoots up, these are weeds too, but we can't be too critical in this Easter season.
mom's gardenia bush

Holy Week at Big Sky 
May His mercy and peace be with you and may you see it everywhere !!
tulips by Bailey