Tuesday, October 24, 2023



4*word  rest

I am thinking about the word rest as a deep “soul rest”found in the book of Matthew it says “and you will find rest for your souls”   It is doing what you can and letting Jesus do His part. I think 💭 abide in me as I abide in you 💭 as we walk. 
Here are four ways to find that kind  of rest :
*spend time in prayer 
* listen to worship songs ( like Oceans by Taya)
* spend time in nature 
* meditate on the word of God

God children are cool


 Since all the pictures are black and white we can give thoughts to light and darkness.  Who gave us light?  What is evil?  Pure evil is the absence of the God of the Bible.  And when we put God aside, out of our lives, our country, out of our world. He will leave.  He will never force his presence on anyone and when God leaves, a great big V-O-I-D is left for evil to fill and flourish.  So how can we stop evil?  We turn to the light , His word, here is Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.  So let’s be in the light and say the good news.  

Lots of love and light and gratefulness to you and yours this season.

In the midst of darkness light persists
Mahatma Gandhi

So long autumn...

Happy Thanksgiving 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

OCTOBER 2023 lamp

 2023 October 



Autumn color

The light of a child’s heart 

October is here  The last of summer will be an Indian summer and calves will be shipped to feedlots, winter feed will be made and stowed away for the snowy months to come. Bears are trying to eat as much as they can before hibernating.  Watering tanks are checked for insulation and heating elements. Birds are flocking up and some have headed south.  The chickadees are tough and are checking around for some early goodies.  

The candles are being lit and inside light reminds me of fireside moments mysterious and rustic.  The days are getting shorter and snow top mountains peak through fog or clouds early in the morning.  By dusk I am remembering my favorite scripture: His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”

Happy October 🍂