Monday, August 28, 2017

September Sights

September Sightseeing

Deer and Turkey Crossing paths
My night camera took these wild creatures

The beauty of Autumn is silently gracing the countryside.  Shorter days gives new lighting to the trails we walk or trot through with awesome sights to explore.  28 Turkeys have come to eat seeds and apples.  Deer, with velvet antlers, try to travel at dusk; and I was lucky enough to capture this moment.  Thank you God.
My friend, Robin used alter flowers with candy corn for a lovely fall arrangement

4th Labor Day
5th Kes Birthday & Billy D
6th full corn moon
8th Kris and Nik B-day
Schools begin
Archery hunting begins
Summer wrap-ups
Thanks Kitty

Starlings flocking; a sure sign of fall

Gracie by Bailey