Monday, April 1, 2019

April 2019

APRIL showers bring MAY flowers

Riding for the Soul

Soulful rides include a horse and rider.  Riding amongst the newborn calves is a favorite.  Other great benefits of Riding Retreats; It gives you a new way to thinking clearly, refreshing your attitude and feeling physical again.  It stretches muscles you don't normally use, gives refreshing oxygen to your blood, and stimulates your mind in many ways.  Mostly, you enjoy nature in a more wholesome way.  New spring grass is peeping through our mud and snow, now but soon there will be new wild flowers, other creatures abound like rabbits, deer, sandhill cranes, always, lots of birds and plants to investigate.  Then there's treasures, too,  like looking at tracks or finding sheds(horns) or special rocks.  Smelling the fresh air, wind blowing somewhere gives you more color and clarity of mind as well.  So, "Here We Go,"
Bailey and Dollar
Brushing, new shoes, and vaccinations

Hoppy Easter

Hoppy Easter. April 21st

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