****************** December ******************
(When Peace and kindness reign
And weather challenges and humbles us)
And weather challenges and humbles us)
The decorations can come out after Thanksgiving, and..... Charlie always took out his wooden Santa first, (really his only decoration, he thought that would do, ...but then he met me....and the rest is history.). We are truly THANKFUL for all the blessings here on the ranch in Montana. As we celebrate Christ's birthday, miracles abound, so, I must remember amongst the business of the season to give thanks each and every day. We are the messengers for Jesus now so as the giving season begins, let's begin by giving a smile to someone.
This election season should have taught us one thing, Courtesy and Kindness are all too slim amongst social media. My father would correct our manners and say, "according to Emily Post,..." So I have once again cherished his memory while looking at the Etiquette book by Emily Post. A quote from EP, " Good manners reflect something from inside--an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self." Then my special friend, Robin showed me a special note written on envelopes of Christmas cards, it was written in green and red
This election season should have taught us one thing, Courtesy and Kindness are all too slim amongst social media. My father would correct our manners and say, "according to Emily Post,..." So I have once again cherished his memory while looking at the Etiquette book by Emily Post. A quote from EP, " Good manners reflect something from inside--an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self." Then my special friend, Robin showed me a special note written on envelopes of Christmas cards, it was written in green and red
*** Kindly deliver to..." I hope this lets the mail person know we appreciate them.
The Barn is getting decorated |
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