Friday, December 30, 2016

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Christmas is Coming

******************    December    ******************

(When Peace and kindness reign
And weather challenges and humbles us)

     The decorations can come out after Thanksgiving, and..... Charlie always took out his wooden Santa first, (really his only decoration, he thought that would do, ...but then he met me....and the rest is history.).  We are truly THANKFUL for all the blessings here on the ranch in Montana.  As we celebrate Christ's birthday, miracles abound, so, I must remember amongst the business of the season to give thanks each and every day.  We are the messengers for Jesus now so as the giving season begins, let's begin by giving a smile to someone.
     This election season should have taught us one thing, Courtesy and Kindness are all too slim amongst social media.  My father would correct our manners and say, "according to Emily Post,..." So I have once again cherished his memory while looking at the Etiquette book by Emily Post.  A quote from EP, " Good manners reflect something from inside--an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self."   Then  my special friend, Robin showed me a special note written on envelopes of Christmas cards, it was written in green and red 

**Kindly deliver to..." I hope this lets the mail person know we appreciate them.

The Barn is getting decorated
                                       Shep wins the Christmas sweater contest.

Shep, the miracle of enthusiasm 
Simon inspects the wreaths
Dash & She at CP's spot

Friday, October 28, 2016



Highland Livestock, Montana
Nov. 1 Matt's B-Day
Nov. 6 Daylight savings ends
Nov. 8 Election Day
Nov. 11 Veteran's DAy
Nov. 21 Jonathan's B-day
Nov. 24 Thanksgiving
Nov. 29 Mary's B-day and Giving Tuesday
         Election Day came and for many it was a relief to get it over with and now I hope we will all pray for our leaders to persevere for peace and good will.  
  I want to believe we can have strength and kindness (grace) together; I hope you will too.  Think of the majestic trees around our nation, the Redwood, the Lodgepole pine, Blue spruce and Maple trees in the east, they are strong, and stoic by nature and stature, yet they're beautiful.  Their limbs and leaves and by-product are their kind or graceful features, (that would be us or "we the people"), we are the ones that need to do the work of serving others with kindness, whether we are a teacher, nurse, construction worker, or community worker, just a smile towards others is all we need to begin.
"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart."

O God, You have given me so much;
I ask for one more blessing--a grateful heart. Amen

          Having a quiet time each day to count your blessings is essential to your daily bread.  Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday, always great family time and delicious food, but even more valuable is the time to be still, silent, and thankful for all of our blessings.
        I will also be saying a prayer for America this November and I'm sure you all will be too.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

October, Indian summer out west

Bailey art
Awesome Autumn Days 
Take Life’s Hurdles in Stride…Gallop to greatness!
 Advice from a Horse

Take life’s hurdles in stride
 Loosen the reins
 Be free spirited
 Keep the burrs from under your saddle
 Carry your friends when they need it
           Keep stable
 Gallop to greatness!

weaned calves

       Autumn solstice; A time to reflect.  Happy St Francis day/month.  I have given him the whole month since calves are being shipped all month.  
      A beautiful time to ride, walk, run, or journey through time, anywhere(when it is not windy).  Horseback riding through cows and calves, watching their growth are happy times; shipping them off to the feed lots, not so much.  But ranching is a business to grow food for others, so loving them a bunch while they are here is what we do.

/L2 or 28 is looking great
This is the time of year when orange and yellow shimmer in the light rays of the sun.  The wind is a loud roar sometimes here in Livingston but that just brings you in to clean-up summer gear.  The changing of the seasons always brings a new set of outerwear boots and coats for every season.  If you carefully pack your gear away, in the quiet of the moment, you can hear the memories speak to you. 

Two fun Fall reads for kids
Good MOVIE:  Time Traveler's wife
Handy things  made by Bailey:
Saddle bag made out of old boot top

horse stall name plate

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Remember September

September 2016

Bailey art
Dates to remember:
September 1 new moon
September 5 Kes birthday & Labor Day 
September 6 Jim and Whit anniversary
September 8 Kris and Nik birthday
September 11 9-11and Grandparents day                      Great Picture Book Read:  
                                                                                              the Scarecrow's Dance
September 16 full moon                                                                                              or
September 22 Autumnal equinox
September 25 Christina and WEM birthday                      Red Leaf Yellow Leaf
September 26 Jim's birthday

      Summer weather has turned cooler and apples are red.  Birds are flocking and visitors have migrated home with new summer memories form Montana, (special times to remember. )

MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS:  2 GOOD WESTERNS: *Unfinished Business,  *Hell or High Water

Nik on Jess with cousins around

Weaning calves and preg-testing momma cows is the business now.  
Brockel black angus mom, charlais calf

Monday, July 25, 2016

Out the Back Door

                                                                   August's Gold
The Golden Days

Capturing the wild side of Montana is just outside my back door.  Here are some photos to enjoy.

a shy young bull

a pair of adolescent Sharpies (hawks)

Lion, Gray, Bear

a rare chipmunk

wild flower road
Friends, TK & Jess

Treat mom


Peace, Hope, & Love
watercolors by Bailey

Monday, June 27, 2016

Big Sky's July

Big Sky in July 2016

     Summer is in full swing and maintenance on the ranch is a full time job. This is the beautiful time of year when entertaining guests is at its high point as well.  100 days of making hay and memories. 
The Barn is dressing up.
Happy Birthday USA
We salute soldiers!

watercolors by Bailey

Watercolor By Bailey

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Frosted, this race horse looks a lot like Jim Dandy, a horse Char and I had for awhile and is now at Mountain Sky guest ranch.  They have those kind eyes.  I've been painting my image of these horses so look forward to what's coming as well as the tall hay crop in June.

 Ranch life is in full swing, always riding and looking at cows.  Hay season will start soon in Montana.

      Congrats to all the Graduates
The Belmont ,NY, Triple Crown race is June 11.
Flag Day is June 14th
Happy June to you.