Summertime is here with longer days, more light, warm temps. Montana has so many beautiful mountain lakes to climb, with wild flowers, and wildlife to watch for; when reaching the top of a trail and looking back over your travels, sometimes it seems like a long trail so one is gifted with a humble heart and a thankful spirit. Summer seems long when dreaming about it in April yet when the weekends start rolling by it can make one feel like they won’t get all their summer goals completed. Work is abundant too during summer, getting hay up and winter feed stored away is a priority for sure. What matters most is that you’ve made some more memories, we are blessed. Let’s take the long road with a habit of gratitude 🙏
August 2023 long
Did you know Canis Major with the bright star, Sirius is the brightest star in the summer constellations. The stars and the Milky Way have been so beautiful every evening this summer Gives new meaning to God’s word being a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. It is so fun to stare up at the ✨ 🌟 on a summer night. I hope you have a starlit evening this summer as well
‘Classic BC ‘painting |
Mom’s fave psalm 23 |
I am going to Try waking up each morning and saying this little prayer (inspired by Bethany Hamilton)
Dear God, I thank you my heavenly father with Jesus Christ your son, you have kept me this past night from all harm and danger. I pray that you would keep me this day from sin and every evil and that you may also be pleased with all that I do today ; for into your hands I commend myself my body soul and spirit. Let your holy angel be with me so that the evil foe has no power over me in Jesus name 🙏
Summer’s sky changing |