June greens |
Everywhere you look there’s a shade of green except of course with the birds and the flowers. The birds are bright yellow warblers and tanagers are flittering around just above the ground and the early wildflowers are white,pink,and purple. Scavenger hunts and adventures are being planned what will your treasure be this summer
“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” Phil1:3
The power of thank you has been underestimated and I would like to show more of my appreciation to all. It reminds me of a childhood prayer,
Thank you for the food we eat
Thank you for the world so sweet
Thank you for the birds that sing
Thank you God for everything
As you can imagine I am getting into the hundred days of summer for God children will be visiting and the outdoors is humming and busy. Nature is growing and we thank the farmers and ranchers as I hope they will be able to grow a great harvest. Fruits are great in gardens, and desserts. Water is a must so drinking more of it already. The ducks are in the pond and so is the canoe. Lakes and rivers have their pull on us so hiking and heading to the cabin has begun. I hope everyone has a wonderful productive summer with all your senses engaged and appreciating each moment for what it brings to your life! May you thrive along with nature. Happy trails 🐴
Photo by Katelyn Pahut |
Freezing herbs in butter |