Monday, August 9, 2021

August 2021

                                    DOG DAYS OF SUMMER

shades of gray

Life is like a waterfall:  beautiful, steadfast, tumultuous ,adventurous, riveting, meandering, with perseverance power, and peaceful pools, yet other places of rushing waters and shadows, yet always light, God's gift of hope   

Thank God for shade trees and watering holes.  

 These are the dog days of summer and the heat has tremendously enhanced this year. (TFR)
Mountain Blue Sky Sash
TFR is my acronym for time for reflection.  Three questions I ask myself weekly,  
* Where have you seen God lately?  
* What are you studying or learning? 
*  What service have you done to honor your Lord?

I can always answer the first one because I am outside so much but I am constantly aware that I have to do the other two to stay happy.  Thanks for contemplating them with me this week.  Enjoy the last weeks of summer.