Welcome September

Welcome Autumn!
It's September, we are still having summer weather but the minutes of light each day are diminishing. So the horses are growing more hair for their winter coats and the leaves are turning golden. We smile at these changes but deep down we are missing the simple pleasures of summer when school is out and picnics were in, (almost an everyday adventure.)
Yellow is such a cheerful color, so here are some fall, ranch pictures to cheer your day.
Time is precious so enjoy every minute.
Here's a quick joke for a quick chuckle, (laughter is always good,):
There was a man who went to Heaven and Saint Peter was escorting him along the way. They went through a long corridor with clocks all along the walls.
Saint Peter said, "everyone has a clock and when you sin the clock moves and makes a sound."
The man saw a clock that was barely moving and that was Billy Graham's, then another one barely moving, that was Mother Theresa's, and out of curiosity, the man asked, "Can I see my clock?"
Peter said, Yeah, we keep yours in the office and use it for a fan."
When Charlie was on the earth, he was always building or repairing bridges in the fall because that is when there was time to do it, but what's really important about this memory is the symbolism. God wants us to build or repair bridges every chance we can, so God Bless You in your efforts!