Sunday, March 2, 2025


 2025 MARCH 


March came in like a lamb and after the January and February winter storms we had this year, it was a welcome spring break for all. We had three feet of snow and miraculously by the will of God, it melted all slowly into the land. All glory to God, thanks be to Him for every good and perfect thing. 

Most of March will be during lent so I hope you had time to think of what you need to add or give up to make your life more spiritual. Spring won’t come until may but we can hope for Easter as Easter comes April 20, pretty late in April. 

Enjoy the spring skiing and the sunshine as it is such a gift. For that thought; make every day a gift in some way to some one. Think small, a smile, a letter, a comment of encouragement, a hug, all these will make your heart happy and someone else’s too. 

St Patrick’s day on the 17 th will send you to my life scripture or psalm 23. My mom had to memorize it when she was child and always wondered why until she helped me buy my little place. Again, thanks be to God. 


Spring thaw

Happy calving 

March tea

Monday, February 3, 2025

2025 FEBRUARY life

2025 February.  life

January’s final curtain 

We begin February with another snowstorm. It is technically the shortest month yet always seemingly the longest which means it gives us perseverance and strength of character. February also, has many special holidays so let’s try to enjoy life instead of endure it. 
The first is a God child’s birthday 
The 2nd is groundhogs day  (six more weeks of winter for sure)
The 6 th. Ronald Reagan birthday 
The 9th Super Bowl Sunday (too sad for Buffalo Bills)
The 12th celebrate Abraham Lincoln (full moon and my dad’s birthday) 
13th Galentines day :  Celebrate a brunch with your gal friends or a Little woman’s tea (book theme parties are always fun and creative. 
The 14th Valentine’s Day (flowers…or puff pasty hearts stuffed with fruit)💕
The 17th is this year’s president s day 
The 21st is Heritage day
22nd George Washington birthday 

Spring is still in the distance so cut some willow branches and force them to bloom inside or any blooming branch will do. 🪴I have a green plant in each room to celebrate life and spring to come. 
Jesus saith unto Him,
 I am the way, the truth, and the life; 
no man cometh unto the Father but by me 
John 14;6

Pretty table setting 

Pretty cookie 

Cards and hats by Bailey

Thanks for reading my blog😍

Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 JANUARY. seek

2025 rings in with lots of snowing and blowing…

Happy New Year 🎈 Good things in January: seeing an  eagle perched atop the highest cottonwood tree, snow blanketing the ground, bonfires and s’mores, focusing on priorities and new year goals, cleaning and declutterring the house, using green plants in simple decor, more reading time, another minute of daylight each day, drinking hot tea or hot cocoa, and enjoying soup and bread, make a list of your favorite January things.  

Epiphany or happy three kings day is January 6 this year.

 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
What are we seeking this new year or even this new day?  

Every morning I spend an hour with the Lord which is how I came to my 4* word.  In both Matthew and Luke the word tells us, “ ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you:”  Are we seeking God’s will or our own?

Winter chickadees 

Special Grace 
These cards are 5x7 sold at country bookshelf in Bozeman. Other  cards sold at woods rose and the wine gallery in Livingston. More cards sold at Two Rivers gallery in Big Timber. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


                     December 2024 hope

Tis the season for hope. Time to reflect on past Christmas memories and the past year and hope…
I hope your home is filled with light, love and laughter, and of course a few moments of peace since the nights are very long. I love this season because it brings out the very best selves. There’s so much to be thankful for so I hope I can reflect the goodness of God every where I go. 

Merry Christmas 


Look for Orion in the night sky, Taurus the bull ( a v shape) is to his right and on his left is Canis Minor and Canis major

Sunday, November 3, 2024

2024 NOVEMBER love

NOVEMBER 2024 I love the thankful month 

 What are we most thankful for?  I think this month makes us think about that in so many ways. So love each moment and cherish the people you’re thankful for; blessings come to us in so many ways.  🙏😇

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

2024. SEPTEMBER holy





(the son will walk on the sea

This autumn season always brings reflection. What will you reflect on where will your thoughts rest. I always Try to keep my thoughts on positive or creative things.  “His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  Memorizing scripture helps.  “This is the day the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it.”  These are fun and easy ones.  

Just recently, I went to the movie, 🍿 Reagan. I thought it was very thoughtfully made; well done.  Patriotism and reverence to God are good character traits along with knowing your history. I recommend it for all.

Leaves and a rusty mauve are colors I am using in my decorating and paintings this season.  Love the season. 

Longhorn rust